Water resources: an essential ecosystem service

Water is the life force that sustains the planet’s ecosystems. As a vital ecosystem service, water resources support human societies and provide resources such as food, fuel, and building material. Yet, as populations continue to grow, the demand for water is also increasing. To ensure the sustainable management of water resources, we need to harness the power of science and technology to balance human needs with the health of the environment.

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Dual threats to freshwater ecosystems and human health

Freshwater ecosystems are critical for sustaining human life and supporting various economic activities. However, these ecosystems are now facing dual threats that endanger their health and the well-being of humans who depend on them. Pollution and water scarcity are rampant across the world, leading to biodiversity loss, public health problems, and social conflicts. Unless urgent action is taken to restore the balance of these fragile ecosystems, the consequences could be dire.

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Quarterly Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Activity

As nations around the world work to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, an important factor to consider is the breakdown of emissions by different economic activities. By tracking emissions from industry, transportation, agriculture, and more, policymakers and businesses can better target their efforts to reduce carbon footprints and build a more sustainable future. In this article, we'll explore the latest data on quarterly greenhouse gas emissions by economic activity, highlighting trends and strategies for reducing emissions in each sector.

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Measuring CO2 Emissions Embodied in International Trade and Domestic Final Demand

It's not just about what happens within our own borders. The carbon footprint of our economy extends far beyond that - through the products we consume and the imports and exports we engage in. Measuring CO2 emissions should take into account the entire lifecycle of these goods, from their origin to their final destination. With this holistic approach, we can better understand the true impact of our consumption and make informed decisions about how to mitigate it.

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Environmental Taxes and Government Expenditures on Environmental Protection

As our planet continues to suffer from environmental degradation, governments around the world are starting to realize the importance of allocating more funds toward environmental protection. One way to do this is through implementing environmental taxes, which not only generate revenue but also encourage individuals and organizations to make sustainable choices. By doing so, we can ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

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Indicators of Granular Exposures to Climate-related Physical Risks for Central Banks’ Analytical Purposes

As climate change continues to have a profound impact on our planet, central banks are increasingly called upon to assess the risks of granular exposures to physical risks. Identifying the right indicators to track these risks is just one piece of the puzzle, but it is a vital one that can help ensure the stability of our financial systems over the long term. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the key indicators that central banks can use to stay in front of climate-related physical risks and make informed decisions that benefit everyone.

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Carbon Pricing Around the World

Carbon pricing is gaining momentum across the globe as countries seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. From cap-and-trade systems to carbon taxes, various policies are being implemented to put a price on carbon pollution. Here's a glimpse of carbon pricing around the world.

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Introduction to the state of knowledge review / Biodiversity and human health linkages: concepts, determinants, drivers of change and approaches to integration

Biodiversity is intricately linked with human health, yet the exact nature of this relationship remains a topic of much academic debate. In this state of knowledge review, we explore the concepts, determinants, drivers of change, and approaches to integration of biodiversity and human health linkages. Through a thorough examination of current research, we aim to shed light on this complex and multifaceted relationship, and provide a foundation for future research in the field.

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Freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity and human health

Freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity and human health are interconnected components that form a web of life on our planet. Yet, they are often overlooked and undervalued. The health of freshwater and wetland ecosystems is critical for sustaining life, providing clean water and air, regulating the climate and supporting biodiversity. In turn, healthy ecosystems benefit human health, enhancing food security, promoting mental and physical well-being and protecting against disease. However, human activities such as pollution, habitat destruction and overexploitation have put immense pressure on these important ecosystems. As society faces increasing challenges such as climate change, it is imperative that we recognize and prioritize the role of freshwater, wetlands, biodiversity and human health in creating a sustainable future for all.

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